College Sports...2
1/2 Marathon's...4
Attempted Marathon's...2
Adventure Races...9
Century Rides...8
Last time I
really worked out...10 months, 3 days and about 8 doctors visits ago
# of MRI's in the past three years...2
# of xrays in the past three years...10+
# of diagnoses prior to hip dyplasia...I've lost count
I was
finally diagnosed with hip dysplasia about 9 months ago. Forever trying to keep up with my athletic friends and family...I was biking a lot, attempting to jog (pronounced yog...with a soft j) and had repeated pain in the right hip and groin area.
After countless trips to the PT and no improvement, he finally sent me back to the doctor telling me there was no way I had the simple femoral stress fracture and torn labrum cartilage diagnosed months before. After convincing my doctor to take more x-rays, we discovered there was definitely an issue with my hips...the pelvic bone wasn't exactly fond of 'cuddling' with my femoral head. Not being much of a cuddler myself...I understood completely.
The next step was to find a surgeon who specialized in hip dyplasia surgeries. During my research I came upon my future surgery for the first time...PAO. Which incidently doesn't stand for Periodical Aromatic Odor (as google will sometimes tell you). In my case it stands for Periacetabular Osteotomy....or as I like to say...the hacking off, rotation and reattachment of 1/4 of the pelvic bone. I learned that last technical bit in Dr. school.
So now I am approximately 24 days from my first surgery and decided to start a blog for several reasons. One, because I thought it would get me more sympathy from my friends and family (think BIG presents while I'm in the hospital) :)...but mostly because I think it will help get my mind off what is to come.